CBS Seniors Reunion

Who was there (Page 30)..

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Bernard Chicken and Allan Hoien-Hall
Bernie and Allan
Boetie Ammermann, Keith Geils, Timothy Paarman, and Norman Birkett
Boetie, Keith, Tim, and Norman
Standing: Arne Bechmann, Robert Young, Jeff Hirschson, Shane Ashcroft, Peter Hirschson, Dave Stringer, Celia Meneses, Geoff Davidson, Lesley Nachman, Keith Geils Kneeling: Denise Reynolds, Merne Reich, Hillel Nachman
Mainly from the 50s
Standing: Arne Bechmann, Robert Young, Jeff Hirschson, Shane Ashcroft, Peter Hirschson, Dave Stringer, Celia Meneses, Geoff Davidson, Lesley Nachman, Keith Geils Kneeling: Denise Reynolds, Merne Reich, Hillel Nachman
Mainly from the 50s